In Love With Night

Scott Ritcher - In Love With Night - single

Scott Ritcher
“In Love With Night”

1-song single (2022)

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Scott Ritcher
“In Love With Night”

Darkness, warmth and goodness are on display in this one-song single from Scott Ritcher.

From Scott: Before the world shut down a couple years ago, I was enthusiastically on the road and playing music for people. Within just few months of 2019, I enjoyed playing 31 concerts in five countries, and meeting great people in all those places.

As the tours progressed, “In Love With Night” from my record The Kentuckian, became one of my favorite songs to play each night.

So last year, I put together some sessions in Stockholm and Nashville to record a full-band performance of the song. Pedal steel, guitars, bass, organ, drums and more – they’re all here in a special new recording that I’m very proud of.

Track listing:
1 / In Love With Night (3:47)

Acoustic guitar, organ, vocal: Scott Ritcher
Pedal steel, electric guitar: Steve Giddings
Drums: J.W. Naugle
Percussion: James Treichler

Mixed and mastered by James Treichler at Wave Upon Wave in Champaign, Illinois

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